Satisfying All of Your Investment Needs

Welcome to my web site.

Please feel free to explore this site to gain better understanding of how I help my clients plan for and meet their financial goals.

If you are a successful individual looking for a financial counselor, you are in the right place. If you have come looking for an investment manager to manage your company's retirement or pension plans, you, too, have come to the right place. My purpose is to create and preserve well being for both individuals and businesses.

After talking to me, you will know you have been heard. We can begin by determining your financial and personal goals. I will then create a plan that will help you achieve these goals. Money management is not an easy process. Effective money management involves two important components: managing your investments and preserving your wealth. My goal is to create financial solutions and provide an extraordinary amount of quality personal service.

I sincerely invite you to use the Contact Tools below to ask any questions. Let me know if there is any other information you would like to see on this site.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your visit.

Unit: 1508, 15/Fl.,
AIA Hong Kong Tower,

734, King's Rd., Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong,
Tel: 852
3187 3388Fax: 852 2833 6352
